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Design Period of Water Supply Scheme in Environmental Engineering

The water supply works in water supply scheme take into consideration population after the ‘design period’. Now this design period is important as it denotes the population forecast to be done after how many years.

Design Period of Environmental Engineering

Design Period Basic Definition: The number of years for which the various components of the water supply scheme are designed to be sufficient in terms of its capacity (design capacity) is called design period.

If the design period is taken as n years then the scheme should suffice the needs of the population at the end of n years.

Design Period and Population Forecasting

As seen above, the design period takes into consideration the water needs of the population after n years.

Hence, knowing the future population becomes necessary in this case. Now population cannot be just estimated randomly. A scientific approach is taken to forecast the population after completion of the design period.

There are many methods to forecast the population. Certain criteria are to be studied and then the most suitable method of population forecast is adopted.

Importance of Design Period

Design period for water supply scheme is important owing to the following reason:

  • The water supply scheme includes the construction of huge structures like dams, reservoirs, treatment works, conveyance systems, and so on. All these structures require a huge capital.
  • Another major limitation with these structures is that their capacities cannot be increased in the future without sparing money.

Let us take one example of laying pipelines.

  • If we talk about the water supply system, then it will include the laying of pipelines, underground. To accommodate increased population, pipes of larger diameter will be required.
  • Besides the cost of replacing the pipelines by larger ones, the whole roads have to be dug disrupting traffic. Again, the water flow will change making the initial water head insufficient.
  • This will require the whole pumping system or the overhead water tank to be changed.
  • Hence, it is a complete waste of money and other resources to think of increasing the capacity in just a few years of the establishment.

Now, this does not mean design period should be too long.

  • Design period should never be longer than the estimated useful life of the water supply work.
  • As already said, the construction cost of these structures is too high and unnecessary increase will lead to consumption of huge resources. Even then, these resources will be wasted for life taken more than the life of the structure as the structure itself will fail.

Therefore, all the structures of the water supply scheme are designed by taking into consideration the population of the town after a few years. ‘These few years’ is called design period.

Factors Affecting Design Period in Water Supply

From above point, it is clear that careful consideration is given in choosing the design period for a water supply scheme. The design period which is not too short or too long.

Following are the factors affecting design period:

  • Design period should be less than the useful life of the structure. Also, the chances of the structure and its technique becoming obsolete should be considered. For instance, design period of conveyance system should be decided based upon the service life of the material of the pipe used.
  • The difficulty and consumption of resources for the future expansion or increase in capacities is also considered. Higher design period is selected if the expansion is difficult and its cost is high.
  • Availability of the investment funds for the water supply scheme is also take into account. Lower funds leads to less design period.
  • If the rate of interest on money borrowed is less, then again higher design period can be adopted.
  • If the rate of population increase of a community is higher, then higher design period can be selected. In this consideration, the population shifts during the course of growth are also considered.

Design Period for Components of Water Supply Scheme in India

Design period for water treatment plant is 15 years.

However, the large projects with huge land acquisition requirements should be designed as per the project requirements. Projects like tunnels, large aqueducts, etc. are such projects.

Design Period for Water Supply Components in India[1]:

SR NOComponent of Water Supply SchemeDesign Period as per Government of India Manual
1Storage by dams50 years
2Intake works30 years
Pumping house
Electric motor & pumps
30 years
15 years
4Water treatment units15 years
5Pipe connections to several treatment units & other small appurtenances30 years
6Raw water & clear water conveying units30 years
7Clear water reservoirs at head works, balancing tanks & service reservoirs15 years
8Distribution system30 years

Key Points

Design Period:

The number of years the components of water supply scheme are designed to serve the requirements in terms of capacity is called design period.

Importance of Design Period:

Shorter design period can lead to wastage in resources. It is not feasible to re-construct the components of water supply scheme like dams, pipeline laying, intake works, treatment plants, and such others.

On the other hand, a longer design period increases the cost drastically as all these construction fall under large projects. This can lead to burden if enough funds are not available at low interest rates. 

Besides this, it has to be noted, that the design period does not exceed the structure’s useful life itself.

Factors affecting Design Period:

  1. Useful life of the structure
  2. Population forecast data at the end of design period
  3. Rate of increment in population
  4. Availability of the resources
  5. Availability of funds at lower interest rates
  6. Cost of expansion of structure in future

Design Period of Water Supply Scheme: 20-30 years


Provide design period of different components of water supply scheme in India.
The design period of water supply scheme20-30 years
The design period of water treatment unit15 years
The design period for water distribution system30 years
The design period of water supply system20-30 years
The design period of sewage treatment works10 years (Land – 30 years)
The design period of sewage treatment plant15 years
The design period for pumps15 years
The design period of pumping machine in water supply scheme30 years
The design period of service reservoir15 years
Design Period
What is meant by design period and population forecasting?

Design period in water environmental engineering is the period for which the water works are designed for. Now the design of water works is based on the number of people it has to suffice. So water works are designed to fulfill the requirements of the population at the end of design period.

However, the future population has to be estimated by certain methods for this purpose. Certain methods are developed for this purpose. This estimation of population is called population forecasting.

What is meant by design population?

The population at the end of design period for which the water works are designed is called design population.