Different methods of population forecasting are applied for predicting the population. Population forecasting methods are useful for the design of water supply scheme and other uses too.
Different Methods of Population Forecasting
1. Arithmetic Increase Method Population Forecasting
Analogous to simple interest calculation, the arithmetic increase method of population forecasting gives lower values of population count.
Know more about Arithmetic Increase Method.
2. Geometric Increase Method Population Forecasting
Percentage increase of population per decade is tracked in this method. This increase remains constant.
Know more about Geometric Increase Method.
3. Incremental Increase Method Of Population Forecasting
Combining both the above methods, the concept of the incremental increase method is formulated.
Know more about Incremental Increase Method.
4. Decreasing Rate Of Growth Method For Population Forecasting
The Decreasing rate of growth method is used when a decrease in population growth is observed. Once the population growth of a city reaches saturation, decreasing rate of growth method can be applied for population forecast.
Know more about Decreasing Rate of Growth Method.
5. Simple Graphical Method for Population Forecasting
The population curve is obtained by plotting a graph between population and time. The curve is then extended by taking the help of an experienced person to forecast the future population.
Know more about Simple Graphical Method.
6. Comparative Graphical Method of Population Forecasting
Growth Comparison Analysis Method of Population Forecasting is a variation of a simple graphical method. The population of cities showing similar growth are taken and their curve is obtained.
Know more about Comparative Graphical Method.
7. Logistic Curve Method for Population Forecasting
A specific logical mathematical relationship is followed in logistic curve method of population forecast. A logistic or S-curve is obtained in this method.
Know more about Logistic Curve Method.
8. Master Plan Method of Population Forecasting
Zoning method or Master plan method is used to ensure that cities do not show haphazard growth. Zonal population density is fixed and strict regulations are kept to ensure these densities are maintained.
As this is a planned method, population forecast results are mostly accurate.
Know more about Zoning Method.
9. Apportionment Method of Population Forecasting
Also known as the Ratio Method of population forecast, the population growth of a city is taken similar to that of the nation.
Know more about Apportionment Method.